Art for Arf’s Sake is Going PUNK!

1977: David “Starsky and Hutch” Soul had an awful song hit number one and The New York Times called punk rock “London’s latest fad.” Over ten million animals were killed in shelters each year. It was unheard of for an animal shelter to even have a veterinarian on staff, let alone a veterinary hospital.

2024: Gas stations play The Clash and Talking Heads on their overhead speakers. Shelter euthanasia has dropped by over 90% (and 98% at Humane PA). Humane PA has one of the most expansive veterinary programs in the region. Like the punk rockers in 1977, HPA knows that if you don’t like what’s playing on the radio, you have to write your own song.

On Saturday, October 12, Humane Pennsylvania will honor that legacy of creating the kind of change that wrestles music- or animal welfare- to the ground and changes it forever. This year’s Art for Arf’s Sake Auction theme is 1977: Punk Rock Revolution. Join us at our newly-renovated Lancaster Campus and be immersed in the 1977 art and music scene of London, New York, and beyond!

Since 2005, Arf’s Art has brought together the talent of artists and the generosity of animal lovers to raise nearly $2 million in support of groundbreaking life-saving programs and services helping animals and people in our communities! This work has changed the way animal welfare is done. Original programs that were once viewed as radical, dare we say “anarchy in the HPA”, are now the top 40 hits in animal shelters nationwide.

We are looking for talented artists to create original pieces of art tailored to this year’s theme for us to auction off at this year’s event – all to benefit the animals! We are also looking for donations of sculptures, gift cards, raffle basket items, museum/sports tickets, hotel stays, and more! Last year, we were able to raise over $76,000 – that was our highest net profit in over a decade!

If you are interested in donating to this year’s auction, please download, complete, and submit an Art for Arf’s Sake Artist Donation Form or Art for Arf’s Sake Item Donation Form. Please email completed digital forms to our Director of Development, Lauren Henderson Pignetti, at or mail completed physical forms to 1729 N. 11th St., Reading, PA 19604.

Thank you to our 2024 Art for Arf’s Sake Patrons!

Tilly is a Punk Rocker

Dave & Vicki Fisher

Bark to the Beat

New York Rag Dolls

Justin & Erin Manning

Young, Loud & Slobbery

Pamela Carvell
Country Companion Animal Hospital
Tracy & Paul Marrella
Suzanne Palmer

Elvis Cat-Stello

Dan & Barbara Downing
Jennifer Holmquest & John Lawrence
Karen Linder & Jim Blickle

Psycho Kitten

Janice & Scott MacKenzie
Judi & John Massaro
Lesa & Gary Moyer
Joe & Caitlin O’Neill
ARC Tobacco
Galen & Margaret Stephenson

Thank you to our 2024 Art for Arf’s Sake Contributing Artists!

Betsy Lewin
David Gerbstadt
Jennifer Nitka
Karen Palcho
Charles Fick
Sherry Diehl
Kristen Woodward
Carol J. Haile
Anita Gordon-Palmer
Sherry A. Caldwell
Adrienne Trafford
John Fry


Contact Nicole Koch, Events & Volunteer Coordinator at or 610-750-6100 ext. 232.